
US Shipping Product changes


Executive Summary

We are changing our set of products in the US. This includes adding a new 3-day service, adding pickup to our USPS + Sendle products, and merging the First Class and Parcel Select USPS + Sendle products into a new Ground Advantage product.


We are adding these new products to our lineup:

Product codeDisplay nameFirst mileServiceRegionDescription
THREE-DAY-PICKUPSendle 3-Day GuaranteedPickupthreedayUSSendle's Three Day service.
THREE-DAY-DROPOFFSendle 3-Day GuaranteedDrop offthreedayUSSendle's Three Day service.
GROUND-ADVANTAGE-PICKUPGround Advantage PlusPickupgroundadvantageUSAffordable US delivery.
GROUND-ADVANTAGE-DROPOFFGround Advantage PlusDrop offgroundadvantageUSAffordable US delivery.
PRIORITY-PICKUPPriority Mail PlusPickupprioritymailUSPriority US delivery.
PRIORITY-EXPRESS-PICKUPPriority Mail Express PlusPickupprioritymailexpressUSExpress US delivery.

We are also removing these USPS + Sendle products:

  • First Class Mail Plus
  • Parcel Select Ground Plus

We will continue to expose and process these products for 90 days. On October 9, these products will no longer be exposed or bookable. This change is being made to align our USPS + Sendle services to those made available by USPS.


The Get Products endpoint

Using our Get Products endpoint ensures that your shippers see all of Sendle's services, and means that your system does not need to be updated when new shipping products are made available.

If you have any questions, please reach out to