Offline / Manual Billing

High volume partners need to use offline (manual) billing, including the special reconciliation CSV files we provide.

Offline billing is only available for partners with very high parcel volumes. Our team will contact you if your account needs to use offline billing – otherwise you'll continue to use our standard credit card billing with the dashboard billing CSV file to reconcile your account.

If your account is using offline billing, each week a PDF invoice is emailed to your accounts email. You will also have access to a reconciliation CSV file, providing a transaction report for the relevant invoice. This can be used to process adjustments or refunds for your end users.

Note that offline billing does not affect any claims process you may already use.

Payment MethodsACH/EFT (preferred).
Wire transfer (fees may apply).
TermsInvoiced weekly, 7 day payment terms
Invoice Frequency (PDF)Emailed Tuesday or Wednesday (AEST)
Reconciliation Report FrequencyUploaded Monday morning (AEST)
Reconciliation Report AccessVia SFTP (password or private key)
(security requirements)


  1. Confirm the information you require on the invoice PDF:
    • Your legal name and tax information.
    • A contact email for your Accounts team (for the weekly PDF).
    • Confirm any supporting information required on the invoice.
  2. SFTP Server setup (by Sendle):
    • (Preferred) Your team provides Sendle with an SSH public key for authentication.
    • Alternatively, we can provide a randomised password.
    • Ensure your implementation complies with our SFTP Security Requirements.
    • Sendle will advise you of the SFTP connection details.

Weekly Process

  • Sendle will email a PDF invoice directly to your accounts team via email.
  • The reconciliation CSV file will be uploaded to the SFTP server. (Monday morning AEST)
    • Note that if you use multiple accounts, you will receive a separate invoice PDF, and separate reconciliation CSV file for each account.
  • You should:
    • Download the reconciliation file from the SFTP server. This detailed transaction and order information allows reconciliation against user activity.
    • Parcel cost refunds and adjustment refunds should be refunded to the end user.
    • Adjustment charges & penalties should be charged to the end user.

Reconciliation CSV Format

The offline/manual billing CSV file differs based on the currency used (due to taxes, etc). The AUD/USD and CAD columns note which fields are returned in which currencies:

FieldAUD & USDCADExampleNotes
Type**See notesNote that it is possible to have an Order, Adjustment, Refund and Adjustment Refund in the same invoice for the same Sendle Reference.

Valid values:
- Order
- Refund
- Adjustment: Incorrect Size Declared
- Adjustment: Oversized Penalty
- Adjustment: Package Type
- Adjustment Refund: Incorrect Size Declared
- Adjustment Refund: Oversized Penalty
- Adjustment Refund: Package Type
Sendle Reference**SYF2W2A6-8 characters, starting with S.
Date Created**2019 Dec 05 12:57:48Date and time the event occurred (UTC)
Pickup Date**2019 Dec 06Only present for Pick Up orders (local time)
Receiver Name**Leona White
Receiver Email**
Receiver Suburb**Bacchus Marsh
Receiver Postcode**3340
Receiver Country**Australia
Sender Name**Cat Socks
Sender Email**
Sender Suburb**Glebe
Sender Postcode**2037
Sender Country**Australia
Customer Reference**Cat Socks
Declared Max Weight**0.5
Declared Max Volume**2
Measured Weight**2.5Only present on Adjustment rows
Measured Volume**3Only present on Adjustment rows
Measured Length**12Only present on Adjustment rows
Measured Width**12Only present on Adjustment rows
Measured Height**18Only present on Adjustment rows
Weight Unit**KGConfigured for your account. Typically KG or LB.
Volume Unit**LConfigured for your account. Typically L or IN3.
Dimensional Unit**CMConfigured for your account. Typically CM, M or IN.
Gross**13.95Amount including taxes. Positive for charges (order, adjustment), negative for refunds.
Net**12.68Amount excluding taxes. Sign as per Gross.
Tax1.27Any applicable taxes. Zero if tax exempt.
GST Amount1.40Canadian GST.
HST Amount1.02Canadian Harmonized Sales Tax.
QST Amount0.48Québec Sales Tax.
Invoice Number**SEN41876-1949The invoice for the original charge.
- On an Order or Adjustment, this is the invoice it was charged in.
- On a refund, this is the original invoice of the charge being refunded.
Requested Cover**The dollar amount for any additional or included cover, if applicable.
Warranty Price**The dollar amount paid for any extra cover.
Fuel Surcharge**The dollar amount paid for any fuel surcharge.
Declared Length*
Declared Width*
Declared Height*
Range* AU only.NationalAU only.

You'll get a column added to the end for each metadata key on orders. For example, creating an order with the metadata {"order_id": "126"} will mean you get a column named order_id on the CSV file.

If one of your metadata values is an object, it'll be represented in a very strange way in the CSV. For example, if you pass in "metadata": {"your_data": {"nested": "12345678"}}, in the output CSV file you'll get a column with the data "{""nested""=>""12345678""}". Because of this, we recommend only using simple data types in metadata keys if you want to read them from the CSV file.


If you have a metadata key with the same name as one of the above columns, you'll get two columns with that name (first, the original one that we provide, and then the metadata one).

Avoid using the above field names inside order metadata to prevent this confusion.