Creates shipping manifest(s) for the given orders.

Shipping manifests let a driver collect multiple parcels while scanning one barcode on US Domestic orders. Today we have one type of shipping manifest – USPS SCAN Forms.



Since this is a POST request, the params need to be sent in the body of your request as a JSON object. The mdn web docs have a summary of HTTP request methods.

Keep these in mind while generating shipping manifests:

  • Only orders with a USPS label can currently be included on shipping manifests.
  • Each order can only be included on a single shipping manifest.
  • Shipping manifests cannot be modified after being created.
  • More than one shipping manifest may be returned by this endpoint.
  • Each order must be created the same day as the shipping manifest. The pickup / drop-off date can be in the future, but the order must be created on the same day as the shipping manifest.


End-of-day manifesting

Since shipping manifests can only be created for orders booked that day, encourage your senders to generate and print their manifests at the end of each day.


Multi-page shipping manifests

A single shipping manifest may include more than one SCAN form. In this case, the PDF will have multiple pages.


  • Print and include all pages when giving a shipping manifest to the driver or when dropping the parcels off.
  • Ensure the driver scans each page of the shipping manifest.
  • All orders on a single shipping manifest must be collected at the same time.

If an order has already been manifested a 422 response will be returned – this is why an idempotency key isn't needed for this endpoint.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!