Creates a return label, letting receivers easily send orders back to the original sender.

Senders can use this endpoint to prepare an order to be returned. Returns can only be placed for domestic orders.

After creating the return order, you can get a label using the URLs in the response. The sender can then include the return label in the parcel before it's shipped (because they aren't added to your invoice until they're used), or send the label file to the customer for them to print it out. If the receiver will be printing it, try to use A4/Letter sizes since most receivers don't have dedicated label printers.

If you want a convenient page receivers can read – which includes packaging directions – here are our AU Returns and US Returns articles. After attaching the return label to the parcel, the receiver will need to leave the parcel at a valid drop off location.

Since this is a POST request, the params need to be sent in the body of your request as a JSON object. Fill out some fields below and see how the data is sent in the request example box.

If you need more information on GET vs POST requests, the Mozilla MDN has a nice summary.

Returns are idempotent by nature – sending a new return request will give you the details of the already-created return order. The customer reference and delivery instructions given on the first request will be used and can't be updated, so make sure they're right the first time.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!